The application process for the Class of 2025 is now closed. Applications are typically due in the first week of March each year, with the selection committee reviewing submissions in April for June graduation. If your application is not selected in the year it is submitted, it will remain under consideration for future years—there is no need to reapply annually. While this year’s process is closed, you are welcome to submit an application for the next cycle.
Candidates for nomination must exemplify the characteristics of honesty, integrity and strength of character that reflects positively on both the individual and the South Colonie Central School District.
Medicine and Science
Business and Professional
Graduates who are respected economists, influential stock market analysts, CEOs of noted corporations or businesses, particularly successful business persons, legal professionals, etc.
Arts and Entertainment
Humanitarian and Service
Graduates who have rendered consistent and significant service to the local, state, national or world communities.
Lifetime Recognition
This category is reserved for an individual who may not have attained award status in his or her chosen field but whose life demonstrates high moral character and dignity, or who has demonstrated courage in overcoming extraordinary obstacles in life.
Once a candidate is nominated in a category, he or she will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Exceptions to the criteria may be possible with the full agreement of the Committee when circumstances or events warrant such action.
Read more about all of our Hall of Fame inductees. Members are listed in the order of the year they were inducted. The full list of members to date are listed below along with their year of graduation from CCHS.
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